Friday, May 25, 2012

Morvahna vs Straakov

Two 50-point games in a night, feels good!  Anyway, I brought another attempt at figuring out how I want to play my Morvahna list.  I went with this build...

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Gallows Groves x2
Druids of Orboros
- Druid of Orboros Overseer
Blackclad Wayfarer

The biggest change is that instead of Wolf Riders I'm playing Druids and another Gallows Grove.  Here was the list that my opponent decided to bring

Kommander Straakov
- Spriggan
- Beast 09
Kayazy Assassins (max)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
Kayazy Eliminators
Doom Reavers
- Greylord Escort
Doom Reavers
Yuri the Axe
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

I think rather than going through all of the details I'm going to hit on some of the points that were present in the game for this one.  It was a fun an interesting game.

  • As usual the Bloodtrackers got Regrowth on them, basically not too many of these died and stayed that way throughout the game.  They prey'd the non-UA unit of Doom Reavers which my opponent made difficult to kill, but most of what they were killing was the other Doom Reavers and some Kayazy
  • Having the 2 Gallows Groves was a pretty solid choice for the list.  Being able to channel Eruption of Life to get around stealth was definitely solid.  Harvest + EoL did quite a number on the table I have to say.  I think I'll be looking to bring 2 of them in the lists for a while.
  • The Druids I added in played ... interestingly.  I don't think they did poorly, but I also don't think they did spectacularly either.  The managed to get a control point, but couldn't kill Yuri which would have been big.  The biggest reasons to bring them would be to block LOS, Counter Magic and throwing the Devouring out there.  Not sure this is what I'm looking for here either unfortunately.
  • He managed to win with acrobatic charges that did nothing followed by Ghetorix being bulldozed out of the way and Beast obliterating Morvahna with a ridiculously long charge.  Learned what I need to have learned for this caster I think here.
  • This list needs an answer for Eiryss.  I know that the common knowledge is that if she gets that close she's dead, but she seems to and her RAT 9 really means I have to be lucky not to have her dealt with.  Tharn Ravager Whitemane, Totem Hunter and Lord of the Feast might be good here.  Wolves of Orboros actually can deal with her fairly well by charging her with 2 of them and CMA'ing her.  Probably a few other answers too, but those are the ones that come to mind.
  • Terror/Abomination checks are indeed important.  We did a lot of looking up and rolling for this (and by we I mostly mean my opponent).  I've basically verified that you need to make the command check after movement before attack, even on a charge, so that was good to know.  Both units of Kayazy failed that check at some point in the game in fact, one when it was critical.
Biggest thing I think is just that I need more information on what everyone else's shit does.  I probably would have positioned my Skinwalkers differently had I known to expect the Kayazy could charge through them, or that Ghetorix could be bulldozed like he was, etc.  I think its this game that has sort of made me decide that I should start taking some notes during / after the games on interactions so that I don't repeat mistakes.

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