Friday, May 11, 2012

Morvahna vs Jarl

Still ended up playing 35 points, mainly because there is a tournament tomorrow with the point levels being 35 and even though I'm not going to get to play I wanted to be able to help my opponent out with his game.  Since I don't have another 35 point list that I'm really in love with at the moment, I decided to bring Morvahna.  Also, we ended up rolling a flank scenario, so I got to try out some reinforcements.  I'm going to be much happier when I can bring Scarsfell Griffon + Blackclad as my 7 points I think, but for now I digress.  Pretty standard list for me otherwise.

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian

Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper

Tharn Bloodweavers
Reeve Hunter

My opponent was playing Jarl Skuld which I haven't faced off against yet.  Seems like an interesting caster, definitely has a nice sculpt too.

- Pyre Troll
- Troll Impaler
- Runebearer

Fennblades (max)
- UA
Long Riders (min)
Fell Caller Hero
Stone Scribe

Pyg Burrowers

I don't know that I have his list completely accurate, but that was the bulk of it.  We deployed, nothing too out of the ordinary.  I decided to prey the Fennblades with the Bloodtrackers.  I won the die roll, so here we go.

Round 1
I ran my Bloodtrackers into the forest on my right-ish, moved the skin walkers basically forward and slightly leftish, brought in the shifting stones, morvahna and the beasts basically into the middle.  Morvahna put up Restoration on the Skinwalkers and Regrowth on the Bloodtrackers.

My opponent moved the Fenns over into a forest on my left-ish that was back by him.  The long riders ran up and engaged a few blood trackers, with Horthol not too far behind.  His Pyre killed one BT with a sniped shot that drifted.

Round 2
I could have brought in my reinforcements, but I didn't think about it and you have to do it during maintenance.  Brought in my dead BT back into play.  Went ahead and gave a charge order since i'd have been throwing into melee with 2 of the 3 long riders.  Didn't get quite as many charges as I'd have liked, but thats ok.  Killed one, mangled the others pretty well.  Morvahna put up Harvest, and everything else sort of moved ahead.

He gave the Fenns a charge order, which is outragous how fast they get with the right caster, and the mini feat.  Ridiculous that a "slow" faction can actually outpace a "fast" faction if you ask me, but I digress.  Most important thing that he did was took out a shifting stone, so no teleport shenanigans.  Barely damaged Ghetorix with one, which lead to a successful Tough roll from his guy after Ornery went off.  Skinwalkers held their ground just fine at ARM 20 with their boxes.  He kills 4 of the BTs with his Bull Rush cav, moves his Horthol around to threaten a charge on my caster, but in doing so really opens himself up for being charged from behind with my reinforcements.

Round 3
This is basically it.  I bring my reinforcements in.  I bring back as many BTs as I can (all but 1 i think).  The BTs go ahead and kill a couple of Fenns, take out the remaining cavalry and put a little damage on Horthol.  The Reeve hunter kills a Fenn that was KD'd and then tries to add some hurt to the last standing Cav model.  Bloodweavers come in, get a charge on the remaining cav and Horthol.  They clean up all of that.  The Skinwalkers kill off most of the Fenns, which leads to them being knocked down apparently (didn't know it until it happened). Ghetorix killed a couple too.  Put Morvahna in b2b with the Guardian (even though what I should have done was get farther way from it actually.

He clears out a path to morvahna, crit slammed with the impaler to the guardian, knocked down Morvahna.  He clears out 2 of the skinwalkers so he can charge Morvahna with his 3 Fenns.  One of them doesn't make it because of the shifting stone in the way.  The other 2 get there, Morvahna has 2 transfers.  First one only deals 5 damage, the other deals 12 that my guardian took.

We decided to call it here.  He was likely to live another turn, but I'd lost like maybe 3 models throughout the game was all and definitely had 20 points worth of warbeasts that were going to put a hurting on some stuff I think.

Was a fun game for me at least, definitely reminds me how strong Morvahna is if the list doesn't have a good way to deal with the attrition game she's going to bring to the table.  I think I'm going to keep trying out the light cavalry with her at 50 points, filling in the remaining points with more shifting stones, blackclads and/or gallows groves.  I've been tempted to try out 2 units of Bloodweavers, but damn if that isn't a ton of stuff on the table.  Druids have tempted me also, bringing some denial to the table, but I just don't think they're' the best fit in this list.

1 comment:

  1. Skinwalkers were knocked down, he had the Chronicler in there. Bloodtrackers that don't die are definitely hell to deal with. I'm also very interested in giving them a run with the Gatorman Witch Doctor that's coming out in a few months.
