Sunday, April 23, 2017

Steamroller @ Games Plus 4/22/2017

Its been a bit since I've done this, but I figure I'll do a quick write-up on my small local tournament this week.  First lets go on to discuss lists!


(Kaya 2) Kaya the Moonhunter [+24]
 - Feral Warpwolf [18]
 - Ghetorix [21]
 - Loki [19]
 - Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
 - Wild Argus [7]
 - Druid Wilder [4]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Shifting Stones [3]
Fuel Cache (Steamroller) [0]

(Krueger 1) Krueger the Stormwrath [+28]
 - Ghetorix [21]
 - Gorax Rager [7]
Bloodweaver Night Witch [4]
Bloodweaver Night Witch [4]
Tharn Ravager Shaman [0(5)]
Tharn Ravager Shaman [0(5)]
Tharn Ravager White Mane [0(5)]
Death Wolves [9]
Tharn Bloodweavers [8]
Tharn Bloodweavers [8]
Tharn Ravagers (max) [16]
 - Tharn Ravager Chieftain [5]
Tharn Ravagers (max) [16]
 - Tharn Ravager Chieftain [5]
Bunker (Steamroller) [0]

I've been playing a lot of #KruegerHill and I am really liking what the list brings to Circle.  Ravagers are actually able to do a lot more work than it initially appears.  Its definitely a list where the whole is a lot better than its individual pieces.  Ravagers always end up doing a little bit more work than you'd think and always survive just a little longer than you'd think.  Not sure if this will be the final form for this list, but it has been going very well thus far.

I went with Kaya2 after playing some games with Una2 in Devourer's Host as well but not quite feeling like it was cutting it as far as I needed with armor cracking into things like warjack bricks in Khador.  It worked well for me back at the last few events so I figured I'd go ahead and stick with it.

Round 1:

I get paired up against another Circle player, and he has Baldur2 in Devourer's Host and Kromac2 in the Wild Hunt.  Both sort of interesting directions that weren't things that I had considered.  The scenario is Entrenched and in general I feel good about Ravagers being able to kill Circle beasts aside from Woldwrath perhaps and I think I'll have more scenario presence with them.  He chooses Kromac2 who does have a Woldwrath which is pretty interesting to see how that plays out.

I win the die roll, move up aggressively making sure that Hunter's Grace is keeping all of my Ravagers standing.  I move so that I can get to my zone the 2nd turn if I so wish, and I put up Gale Winds to slow down his two Purebloods and Woldwrath.  He moves up, Woldwrath does deviate a shot into my army, which triggers Vengeance on my Ravagers to my right.

Next turn I use that Vengeance to get my Ravagers in charge range of his Stalker, which ends up leaving him on 1 lift after that and a feat to try to finish.  I'm also able to charge one of his Purebloods.  Krueger toes the bottom left of my zone to threaten a score.  I'm pretty safe there from much on his side.  Ghetorix moves around the forest away from Krueger figuring that's where Woldwrath is going.  I've been flanking with Bloodweavers as well and Deathwolves have been central.

Unexpectedly, on his turn Kromac feats and charges 3 of my Ravagers which puts him pretty deep into my army.  I didn't remember that he has access to Lightning Strike still because I didn't kill the Stalker, so he casts that, but then pushes deeper into my army, engaging Krueger.  Stalker gets some kills on a couple Ravagers too, actually ends up Berserking on Kromac for a damage or two.  He pushes Woldwrath and Purebloods into me to jam as well.

Now I have Kromac in my face, but a lot of resources.  Unfortunately, Ghetorix isn't one of them because I didn't expect this situation at all.  However, I use a Tornado to throw Kromac into the Woldwrath which does a significant amount of damage.  Boost a gun shot.  Ghetorix clears the way so my Ravagers on the right will be able to charge if needed.  Death Wolves walk into melee with Kromac and that's the end.

Round 2:

I am paired up against a Legion player who brought Fyanna2 and Absylonia2.  Figuring that Ravagers actually do solid work into Legion beasts, have no problems killing his infantry, and have the best odds of riding out a feat in Fyanna's case, I go with that.  He selects Fyanna2, we're in The Pit, and I win the roll opting to go first.

Pretty standard turn 1's, I move up keeping everyone in the no-knockdown.  Bloodweavers are mostly flanking, Ravagers are a bit more inside of that and then Ghetorix and Death Wolves are coming up the middle more-or-less.  He has his Hellmouths positioned on his flanks, and both are mostly being used to be annoying for scenario.  He manages to trigger Vengeance on the Ravagers on the right.

Between Vengeance and activations I start killing tentacles for Corpse Tokens on the Ravagers.  He makes the mistake, having not played against Krueger apparently, of bunching up his Swordsman on the side my flag was on, so Krueger feats and kills most of them.  I'm able to charge his Neraph with a bunch of the Ravagers on the right, putting the Whitemane into position to get them to MAT 8.  In return he feats to make everything defensively difficult to deal with, and he tries to kill a few things with Angelius and Seraph.

Now I have to make it through that feat.  I try to focus mostly on things that are killable, probably spend too much time trying to get work done, but I'm alright on clock in general.  I take out one Hellmouth finally (near my flag).  I do clear my flag again, killing the two models that were near.  I'm able to chip in the final damage on the Neraph as well.

He's apparently feeling kind of desparate at this time and starts throwing things forward.  Seraph gets 3 shots, which I believe all go into Krueger.  He's DEF 18 vs shooting though from Gale Winds, so the first one needs a 13, which he does get, so then he's Flare'd.  Hits with one of the next two shots, not enough to go through my transfers.  Fyanna charges a Ravager going through 3 of her 6 fury before killing it, then attempts a Gallows on my Gorax I think, which misses.  Angelius I thought was going to shoot Krueger, which would have still been transferable, but is going to charge the Gorax and dies to a Ravager freestrike.

On my turn I Vengeance into position, but first charge her with the Death Wolves.  Tala has three Corpse Tokens, so she boosts her charge, boosts her next attack to hit, and boosts damage.  Even though her friends came along to help, she gets the kill.

Round 3:

I am again paired up against Circle.  He's brought Kromac2 and Krueger2 and we're playing Incursion.  Event is play each list once, so I'm playing Kaya2.  I feel pretty alright with her into either matchup because Dog Pile and Loki pretty much ensures that I have the threat range advantage in either case, and Shadow Pack prevents him from getting any advantage on that with Hunter's Mark or Telekinesis.  He opts to play Kromac2.

I setup basically for Kaya's battlegroup to be centrally located, and put a Sentry Stone on each side.  He goes first, runs up really aggressively.  I go next, position to be out of 11" of any of his warbeasts, and 11" from his Blackclad so he can't get s Hunter's Mark off.  Mannikins on the right try to work their way through some of the Mist Riders, but don't do anything.  On the Left they mostly just get into position.

Seeing where I am, he backs up some so that he's out of my threat, though he does use one of the Woldwyrds to break my unit of Shifting Stones.  Everything else is out of 14" for Loki or anything else when he's done.  I look and measure to his Feral and Loki can be out of 10" for his charge, and hook that Woldwyrd, which I do and easily dispatch it.  Pureblood can safely get a spray on the other Wyrd.  Mannikins on the right go onto the flag, on the left they try to work into the Mist Riders.

On his turn I've spaced out on the fact that the Feral can Warp Speed, so Loki is in his threat range.  Kromac feats and casts Primal on the Feral.  Loki is just inside of Carnage range, so the Feral is able to kill him.  Pureblood and Woldwyrd on the left end up killing my Wild Argus I had sent over that way.  Ghetorix and the Gobbers go over towards the left flag to contest and kill a Mannikin.  Kromac is still positioned pretty safely.

So I still have my feat available, and I want to do as much as I can.  Pureblood is given Forced Evolution and Primal.  Ghetorix does a bunch of damage to his Pureblood and Woldwyrd which he doesn't quite kill.  My Feral kills his Feral.  Pureblood does a bunch of damage to Ghetorix, I think leaving him on 1 (second time I've done this in the event).  I bring everyone back near Kaya, positioning the Pureblood so that it will not Frenzy on anything of mine.

He feels like he's going to need to try to kill Kaya here.  I had charged Ghetorix with a couple Mannikins the previous turn, so he needs to clear those because I an probably kill Ghetorix with a free strike.  The remaining two Mist Riders try to bounce shots into Kaya but fail.  He uses Primal Shocks to kill the two Mannikins, and he heals Ghetorix for 2 meaning that he doesn't have enough for Carnage.  Pureblood gets a spray that I think hits Kaya, she takes the damage.  Ghetorix needs 11s to hit Kaya in melee and he has to charge.  Boosts to hit and misses.  At this point it doesn't really matter, because even if he hits two boosted 11s I just transfer.  Kromac had run to the center flag at this point though, so he is scoring.

Looking at the situation, I feel like I can kill Kromac, but I can't really get anything on him easily because of where the Pureblood was from Frenzying.  So instead, Kaya kills Ghetorix, the Feral kills the Mist Riders, Mannikins kill some Gobbers, and Ghetorix kills the Pureblood.  I score the outside flags, so I'm at 3 points.  He just tries to get more points, kills Ghetorix with Kromac (coming off the flag, which I had contested with Shifting Stones. He ends his turn, and I win with 5 CPs.


This means I win the event, and it was fun.  Can't say I've ever played in an event where I've had to kill Kromac2 twice, but that's how it goes.  I liked the Krueger list a lot still, though I think it might need some tweaks  Death Wolves have been incredible when they've been needed, guaranteed Corpse Tokens is fantastic.  Ravagers have been solid as well.  What I'm less certain of is the Bloodweavers package, so I may analyze that some.

Kaya2 is still pretty solid at dealing with high armor because of her threat ranges.  Sentry Stones are still good at holding points too.  Not sure if she's going to continue being my answer to armor or not, but so far its worked out.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Full Circle - Episode 24

This week is full of rambles about Circle theme forces and a little bit about how to handle jack spam.

Full Circle - Episode 23

I talk about my adventures at Adepticon and Krueger the Stormwrath in this episode! Check it out!

Full Circle - Episode 22

In this episode I spend some time talking about tactics with the Celestial Fulcrum. CID news on battle engines and some pre-Adepticon discussion.

Full Circle - Episode 21

This episode I have some rambling at the beginning and then spend a lot of time talking about Loki and some time discussing the Riphorn Satyr.

Full Circle - Episode 20

This episode I discuss a couple of our character warbeasts! Discussion on Brennos the Elderhorn and Ghetorix.