Monday, May 21, 2012

Morvahna vs Kara Sloan

So, finally got a 50 point game in, could have gone better.  We decided to play the Overrun scenario (Killbox, big control zone in the middle of the table).  Here's the 50-point list that I tried

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian

Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Tharn Wolf Riders (max)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Grove

He didn't have an optimal list for 50 points, but he wanted to give something a go.  Turned out to be pretty good, but I think this is how the list worked out...

Kara Sloan
- Defender
- Defender

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
-- Hunter
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
Precursor Knights (min)
- Precursor Knights Officer and Standard
Journeyman Warcaster
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Reinholdt, Gobber Spectator
Gorman di Wulfe
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

As always, I'm trying to re-create a list from memory and its not one of my lists so I might be missing something.  I decided to put prey from the Bloodtrackers on the PKs and from the Wolf Riders on the Hunter.  In hindsight I don't think that either of those choices made sense.

The way the game went was pretty rough.  We didn't end up playing it out because I needed to get going from the store, but it was not looking good.  With his battle group he basically ended up completely killing my Bloodtrackers and Skinwalkers by the end of things.  I was in a position where Ghetorix narrowly managed not to get Blinded from Gorman (son-of-a-bitch is that model far too good).  I was going to trample over top the following turn, clear out the zone, and then I could have gotten a point.  Might have been able to grind it out from there, but it would have been tricky to say the least.

Some notes from the game though:

  • Not sure how I feel about having the Wolf Riders in the main list.  They're a great unit that I still struggle with being able to play well.  Large bases take up a lot of space, they're fast, but they don't actually do a great job staying alive frequently.  I might give this exact list another go or 2, but I also might cut them out and move them to reinforcements
  • Against a gun line like that, what I should have done first was have the Bloodtrackers put prey on the Gun Mages or the B13.  I should also have moved to engage them faster, they're much deadlier with their shooting than with melee.
  • Furthermore to the previous point, with the scenario being Overrun I should have completely pushed the Bloodtrackers past the control zone (and into) so that I could jam his stuff back farther.  I might have been able to pull off a scenario win if I had done so.
  • Being able to use Eruption of Life is something I need to be better at, similar with Influence.  I might try to find more room for Gallows Groves in here in fact.
  • In this match up I think it might have been a good idea to throw my Wold Guardian out front and make my opponent deal with an ARM 20 that's taking -1 die of damage.
Basically at this point we'll see where to go from here.  I'm not sure what the build out I'm looking for is.  I've essentially got 13 points that I haven't been able to find the best build for.  I can fit the Wolves of Orboros + Wolf Lord Morraig module into that.  Additionally, I can swap the Wolf Riders from this build for 2 units of Bloodweavers.  Druids of Orboros w/ UA and then another 4 points is another option.

Ideally I want either Druids or a Blackclad in the list to be able to sac pawn to in some match ups.  More to come on all of this for sure.

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