Thursday, May 31, 2012

GenCon Masters - 75 Points - Part 1

So, I have no idea if I have the chops to make it to the Master's event this year at GenCon, but I'm going to try to be prepared either way.  Some of these lists are likely to change quite a bit, but I'm trying to see what might work in the format.  Also, by GenCon there will likely be at least 3 colossals to worry about, as well as the ever-present infantry machine that's been popular for a while.

First, I've been thinking of how to expand my Morvahna army out to 75 points.  She doesn't really do a whole lot for her battle group, so I'm not sure that I want to expand beyond the Ghetorix and Wold Guardian battle group that I've been using.   I may consider adding in a light of some variety depending, but for now I like that battlegroup, and I mostly like my first 37 points with her.  Here's my prevailing thoughts...

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Wolves of Orboros (max)
- Wolves of Orboros Chieftain and Standard
Wolf Lord Morraig
Reeves of Orboros (max)
- Reeves of Orboros Chieftain and Standard
Reeve Hunter
Gatorman Witch Doctor x2
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Groves x3

My intention here is massive attrition.  I'm sure one of the first things that people are going to say is "but the Reeves are the WORST unit".  I'm not 100% sure on them just yet, but I think they have some potential here.   Really, there are 12 members of that unit, they're going to be firing from 12" away and its another unit that I can regrow.  With the Reeves, Wolves and Bloodtrackers I have 3 units that I can hopefully keep around for the entire game.  On top of this, 2 Gatorman Witch Doctors will be handing out Tough to the Wolves and Bloodtrackers throughout the game.  Morraig still hits like a truck of course.  This list would be pretty different w/out the Witch Doctors though, and there's no guarantee they'll be out by GenCon (they're on the schedule for August though).

I'm not sure yet if Baldur1 is going to be viable in tier 4 at the 75 point level.  I'm sort of looking at something like this I suppose...

Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Megalith
- Wold Guardian
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwatcher
- Druid Wilder
Druids of Orboros
- Druid of Orboros Overseer
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Blackclad Wayfarer

First thing that probably sticks out in this list is that there are a LOT of warbeasts.  The Druid Wilder is there specifically just to help with fury management.  Much of the life of the shifting stones is going to be managing fury too.  One good thing of course is that wolds don't frenzy.  Not 100% on how this would play out, but that is a LOT of stuff on the advance deploy line.

I think I may start thinking up lists for each of the caster's I have, but for now this is going to be part 1.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Morvahna vs Straakov

Two 50-point games in a night, feels good!  Anyway, I brought another attempt at figuring out how I want to play my Morvahna list.  I went with this build...

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Gallows Groves x2
Druids of Orboros
- Druid of Orboros Overseer
Blackclad Wayfarer

The biggest change is that instead of Wolf Riders I'm playing Druids and another Gallows Grove.  Here was the list that my opponent decided to bring

Kommander Straakov
- Spriggan
- Beast 09
Kayazy Assassins (max)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
Kayazy Eliminators
Doom Reavers
- Greylord Escort
Doom Reavers
Yuri the Axe
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

I think rather than going through all of the details I'm going to hit on some of the points that were present in the game for this one.  It was a fun an interesting game.

  • As usual the Bloodtrackers got Regrowth on them, basically not too many of these died and stayed that way throughout the game.  They prey'd the non-UA unit of Doom Reavers which my opponent made difficult to kill, but most of what they were killing was the other Doom Reavers and some Kayazy
  • Having the 2 Gallows Groves was a pretty solid choice for the list.  Being able to channel Eruption of Life to get around stealth was definitely solid.  Harvest + EoL did quite a number on the table I have to say.  I think I'll be looking to bring 2 of them in the lists for a while.
  • The Druids I added in played ... interestingly.  I don't think they did poorly, but I also don't think they did spectacularly either.  The managed to get a control point, but couldn't kill Yuri which would have been big.  The biggest reasons to bring them would be to block LOS, Counter Magic and throwing the Devouring out there.  Not sure this is what I'm looking for here either unfortunately.
  • He managed to win with acrobatic charges that did nothing followed by Ghetorix being bulldozed out of the way and Beast obliterating Morvahna with a ridiculously long charge.  Learned what I need to have learned for this caster I think here.
  • This list needs an answer for Eiryss.  I know that the common knowledge is that if she gets that close she's dead, but she seems to and her RAT 9 really means I have to be lucky not to have her dealt with.  Tharn Ravager Whitemane, Totem Hunter and Lord of the Feast might be good here.  Wolves of Orboros actually can deal with her fairly well by charging her with 2 of them and CMA'ing her.  Probably a few other answers too, but those are the ones that come to mind.
  • Terror/Abomination checks are indeed important.  We did a lot of looking up and rolling for this (and by we I mostly mean my opponent).  I've basically verified that you need to make the command check after movement before attack, even on a charge, so that was good to know.  Both units of Kayazy failed that check at some point in the game in fact, one when it was critical.
Biggest thing I think is just that I need more information on what everyone else's shit does.  I probably would have positioned my Skinwalkers differently had I known to expect the Kayazy could charge through them, or that Ghetorix could be bulldozed like he was, etc.  I think its this game that has sort of made me decide that I should start taking some notes during / after the games on interactions so that I don't repeat mistakes.

Baldur2 vs Thyra

Finally getting some more 50 point games in, and that's been great.  I brought my fairly typical Baldur1 theme force build

Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Megalith
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Druids of Orboros
- Druids of Orboros Overseer
Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
Blackclad Wayfarer
Sentry Stone & Mannikins

Here's the list that I think he brought

Thyra, Flame of Sorrow
- Revenger
- Crusader
Avatar of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (min)
Daughters of the Flame
Daughters of the Flame
Exemplar Errants (max)
- Exemplar Errants Officer and Standard
Vassal Mechanik
Covenant of Menoth
Knight Exemplar Errant Seneschal
Saxon Orrik
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance

We rolled up a scenario, got Overrun again.  Big  control area in the middle of the table, virtually no chance that Baldur can lose that on scenario so that's good.  I won the roll, elected to go first.  I again forgot to take some pictures so sadly that'll be of no help.  The table was set up in basically a symmetrical setup, my right flank had a hill near me, and a trench near my opponent.  My left flank had a decent sized forest near me, and a medium-long wall on about a 45ยบ near him.


This gets a little ridiculous with Baldur1.  I deployed Baldur in the middle of the table, the Blackclad was deployed next to him, and to either side, not quite off to the flank, I deployed the Woldstalkers.  That's it for this list, the rest of it has advanced deployment.

He didn't do anything unexpected as deployment.  Daughters on either side, support pieces in the middle around Thyra.  Warjacks basically in the middle too.  Errants have AD, as do the Wracks.

I deploy the Druids in the middle of the table.  Megalith directly behind them, the Guardian to the left of them and the Warden to the right.  Sentry Stone up field about 20" since they can do that.  After his advance deploy I do an advance move with my woldstalkers basically straight ahead.

He put his Errants behind the wall that was near him more or less.  He put the Wracks in a massive triangle with one behind him and one on each side.

Round 1

Everything moves up more or less.  Druids drop clouds, counter magic and elemental immunity.  One Mannikin drops a forest for funzies.  Another Mannikin sprays over a wall at an Errant that is next to the wrack, I think it might have hit but dealt no damage.  My opponent said that the Wracks are missed with ranged attacks if they have a focus on them, but I did a little research out of curiosity here and discovered its only if they're DIRECTLY targeted, so that's a good bit of information for the future.  Baldur casts Solid Ground, puts a forest where he wants to go, and one underneath of him.  Teleports up.

He decided that he needed to do some harassment of my stuff, so he runs one of the units of Daughters B2B with my Druids, Warden, and some mannikins.  Errants move up, do some shooting at my woldstalkers and mannikins, kill a few.  Thyra puts Occultation on them, moves up towards the wall.  'Jacks move forward, so does the Seneschal and I think the Choir sings no spells and the book says no knockdown I believe.  Nicia runs towards the hill on my side.

Round 2

The druids do their best to try and take out the Daughters, they manage to kill a couple.  My Warden goes ahead and tramples over 3 of them, boosting to hit on them ... but I managed to roll a 6 on 3 dice with one of them.  My wold stalkers shoot into the errants, kill a couple.  The black clad and 2 shrimp try to kill the seneschal, and manage to put 4 damage on him.  Megalith can't move far, neither can the Guardian.  Stone Skin goes on the Warden.  Try to take some shots at Nicia, and some other stuff, doesn't do much. Baldur feats giving cover and rough terrain w/out pathfinder for enemies

Without much space to move, he advances only a little.  Errants do some more shooting.  Daughters try to put some damage out there.  Most of his stuff, caster included, gets near the wall.  Nicia kills a few things.  He moves up the arcnode to try to target one of my guys, but forgets about the Druids having counter magic up.  Think I had 4 druids left, maybe 5, dunno.

Round 3

I try first to do a little bit of shooting, that takes out a little here and there.  Daughters get dealt with by the Druids after Megalith puts his animus down.  Woldwarden charges the arcnode, puts up Stone Skin, and then I roll a 4 on 3 dice when I needed a 6 was all.  I hit with the 2nd attack, puts a decent amount of damage on him and then he's bumped out of melee which I hadn't expected.  Baldur drops some forests.  Druids have counter magic up.  Woldshrimp try to do some damage to Nicia with no luck.  Stone Skin cycles to the Woldguardian, who I teleport up into base with some of the errants, kill them and sit there to be a pain in the ass.

On his turn he throws a lot of stuff at the Woldguardian, leaving it at 1 health after a lot of stuff hit it and it had some good rolls.  Avatar took out the Warden without too much difficulty.  Thyra moved away from the wall to do a couple things.  Nicia killed some more stuff.  The other unit of daughters got back in my face to be a pain in the ass.

Round 4

I was looking at this like I might be able to just surprise kill his caster because of where he put her.  Additionally, my girlfriend notified me that she was quite hungry and I should speed things up, so seemed like it was worth it.  I gave the Druids a charge order, mostly so that I could run the Druid Overseer up so that Megalith would be in his command area for Beast Master.  Megalith was inside one triangle of shifting stones and the other triangle was far closer.  The first triangle teleported him into the other triangle so that only about a sliver of Megalith's base is inside the 2nd triangle.   The second triangle then moved Megalith a little over 9" which put him in base with Thyra.  Forced for his animus to get her defense down to 15.  Boosts to hit, which he does, giving her another -3 DEF to make her DEF 12 and putting 11 damage on her.  Makes another attack, hits, deals enough damage and that's it.


Double teleporting a heavy remains to be such an AMAZING thing to do.  I don't frequently make it to round 4 with 2 full units of shifting stones, and its pretty easy to see why.  I'm glad that I've made myself play more with the double units of shifting stones, because it has definitely helped improve my play with them.  I also think that I need to learn to space out my Druids a bit more, they're CMD 9 with the Overseer, that should help.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Morvahna vs Kara Sloan

So, finally got a 50 point game in, could have gone better.  We decided to play the Overrun scenario (Killbox, big control zone in the middle of the table).  Here's the 50-point list that I tried

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian

Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Tharn Wolf Riders (max)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Grove

He didn't have an optimal list for 50 points, but he wanted to give something a go.  Turned out to be pretty good, but I think this is how the list worked out...

Kara Sloan
- Defender
- Defender

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
-- Hunter
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
Precursor Knights (min)
- Precursor Knights Officer and Standard
Journeyman Warcaster
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Reinholdt, Gobber Spectator
Gorman di Wulfe
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

As always, I'm trying to re-create a list from memory and its not one of my lists so I might be missing something.  I decided to put prey from the Bloodtrackers on the PKs and from the Wolf Riders on the Hunter.  In hindsight I don't think that either of those choices made sense.

The way the game went was pretty rough.  We didn't end up playing it out because I needed to get going from the store, but it was not looking good.  With his battle group he basically ended up completely killing my Bloodtrackers and Skinwalkers by the end of things.  I was in a position where Ghetorix narrowly managed not to get Blinded from Gorman (son-of-a-bitch is that model far too good).  I was going to trample over top the following turn, clear out the zone, and then I could have gotten a point.  Might have been able to grind it out from there, but it would have been tricky to say the least.

Some notes from the game though:

  • Not sure how I feel about having the Wolf Riders in the main list.  They're a great unit that I still struggle with being able to play well.  Large bases take up a lot of space, they're fast, but they don't actually do a great job staying alive frequently.  I might give this exact list another go or 2, but I also might cut them out and move them to reinforcements
  • Against a gun line like that, what I should have done first was have the Bloodtrackers put prey on the Gun Mages or the B13.  I should also have moved to engage them faster, they're much deadlier with their shooting than with melee.
  • Furthermore to the previous point, with the scenario being Overrun I should have completely pushed the Bloodtrackers past the control zone (and into) so that I could jam his stuff back farther.  I might have been able to pull off a scenario win if I had done so.
  • Being able to use Eruption of Life is something I need to be better at, similar with Influence.  I might try to find more room for Gallows Groves in here in fact.
  • In this match up I think it might have been a good idea to throw my Wold Guardian out front and make my opponent deal with an ARM 20 that's taking -1 die of damage.
Basically at this point we'll see where to go from here.  I'm not sure what the build out I'm looking for is.  I've essentially got 13 points that I haven't been able to find the best build for.  I can fit the Wolves of Orboros + Wolf Lord Morraig module into that.  Additionally, I can swap the Wolf Riders from this build for 2 units of Bloodweavers.  Druids of Orboros w/ UA and then another 4 points is another option.

Ideally I want either Druids or a Blackclad in the list to be able to sac pawn to in some match ups.  More to come on all of this for sure.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Morvahna vs Jarl

Still ended up playing 35 points, mainly because there is a tournament tomorrow with the point levels being 35 and even though I'm not going to get to play I wanted to be able to help my opponent out with his game.  Since I don't have another 35 point list that I'm really in love with at the moment, I decided to bring Morvahna.  Also, we ended up rolling a flank scenario, so I got to try out some reinforcements.  I'm going to be much happier when I can bring Scarsfell Griffon + Blackclad as my 7 points I think, but for now I digress.  Pretty standard list for me otherwise.

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian

Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper

Tharn Bloodweavers
Reeve Hunter

My opponent was playing Jarl Skuld which I haven't faced off against yet.  Seems like an interesting caster, definitely has a nice sculpt too.

- Pyre Troll
- Troll Impaler
- Runebearer

Fennblades (max)
- UA
Long Riders (min)
Fell Caller Hero
Stone Scribe

Pyg Burrowers

I don't know that I have his list completely accurate, but that was the bulk of it.  We deployed, nothing too out of the ordinary.  I decided to prey the Fennblades with the Bloodtrackers.  I won the die roll, so here we go.

Round 1
I ran my Bloodtrackers into the forest on my right-ish, moved the skin walkers basically forward and slightly leftish, brought in the shifting stones, morvahna and the beasts basically into the middle.  Morvahna put up Restoration on the Skinwalkers and Regrowth on the Bloodtrackers.

My opponent moved the Fenns over into a forest on my left-ish that was back by him.  The long riders ran up and engaged a few blood trackers, with Horthol not too far behind.  His Pyre killed one BT with a sniped shot that drifted.

Round 2
I could have brought in my reinforcements, but I didn't think about it and you have to do it during maintenance.  Brought in my dead BT back into play.  Went ahead and gave a charge order since i'd have been throwing into melee with 2 of the 3 long riders.  Didn't get quite as many charges as I'd have liked, but thats ok.  Killed one, mangled the others pretty well.  Morvahna put up Harvest, and everything else sort of moved ahead.

He gave the Fenns a charge order, which is outragous how fast they get with the right caster, and the mini feat.  Ridiculous that a "slow" faction can actually outpace a "fast" faction if you ask me, but I digress.  Most important thing that he did was took out a shifting stone, so no teleport shenanigans.  Barely damaged Ghetorix with one, which lead to a successful Tough roll from his guy after Ornery went off.  Skinwalkers held their ground just fine at ARM 20 with their boxes.  He kills 4 of the BTs with his Bull Rush cav, moves his Horthol around to threaten a charge on my caster, but in doing so really opens himself up for being charged from behind with my reinforcements.

Round 3
This is basically it.  I bring my reinforcements in.  I bring back as many BTs as I can (all but 1 i think).  The BTs go ahead and kill a couple of Fenns, take out the remaining cavalry and put a little damage on Horthol.  The Reeve hunter kills a Fenn that was KD'd and then tries to add some hurt to the last standing Cav model.  Bloodweavers come in, get a charge on the remaining cav and Horthol.  They clean up all of that.  The Skinwalkers kill off most of the Fenns, which leads to them being knocked down apparently (didn't know it until it happened). Ghetorix killed a couple too.  Put Morvahna in b2b with the Guardian (even though what I should have done was get farther way from it actually.

He clears out a path to morvahna, crit slammed with the impaler to the guardian, knocked down Morvahna.  He clears out 2 of the skinwalkers so he can charge Morvahna with his 3 Fenns.  One of them doesn't make it because of the shifting stone in the way.  The other 2 get there, Morvahna has 2 transfers.  First one only deals 5 damage, the other deals 12 that my guardian took.

We decided to call it here.  He was likely to live another turn, but I'd lost like maybe 3 models throughout the game was all and definitely had 20 points worth of warbeasts that were going to put a hurting on some stuff I think.

Was a fun game for me at least, definitely reminds me how strong Morvahna is if the list doesn't have a good way to deal with the attrition game she's going to bring to the table.  I think I'm going to keep trying out the light cavalry with her at 50 points, filling in the remaining points with more shifting stones, blackclads and/or gallows groves.  I've been tempted to try out 2 units of Bloodweavers, but damn if that isn't a ton of stuff on the table.  Druids have tempted me also, bringing some denial to the table, but I just don't think they're' the best fit in this list.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mohsar vs Krueger2

So, I got in another Circle vs Circle game.  I'm not going to go into a full battle report on this one, because frankly my opponent had some awful dice during the game.  I ended up killing Krueger on like turn 3 with a combination of Mohsar's spray, rockhammer and the Pureblood spraying.  Even with all of that I still had a Primal'd Stalker there to be able to get in there.

The biggest thing here is that it was a 35 point list so that made me have to make a lot of choices of what to eliminate out of my 50 point list.  Here's what I went with...

Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Pureblood Warpwolf
- Gorax
- Druid Wilder

Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Gallows Grove x2
Wolves of Orboros (max)
- Wolves of Orboros Chieftain and Standard

What this meant is that I had to cut out the Celestial Fulcrum, Morraig and a Gallows Grove.  That's a lot of offensive power that I took out.  The Wolves of Orboros, with the mini-feat and Curse of Shadows were able to put out a decent amount of damage on some of the Circle beasts, but I don't know how that'd apply to something with a bit more ARM.  Also, for 35 points I have too much support in this list, its 9 points of support, which is about 1/4 of the list.  Even at 50 points I don't think I need quite so much support.

Also, the Pureblood did get quite a bit of play with his spray, but I think a Fulcrum will provide more here.  With that in mind, I think I'm going to consider trying out the Gnarlhorn Satyr, Shadowhorn Satyr, Feral Warpwolf or Woldwarden.

As far as units go, I'm also trying to work out what might be best there.  Wolves + Morraig definitely provide a nice tarpit and Morraig hits like a truck if I can work out a situation where I'm flanking (even more so if that target got hit with Curse of Shadows).  That said, I think Ravagers and Cavalry both might be worth a try here too if I want some more hitting power.  Druids might make a nice unit to get in the way in the middle of the table to block people getting to the Fulcrum while being immune to the shots, plus counter magic is always good.

The idea here is mostly that I want this list to be able to deal with armor.  My other lists have their niches, but this one has a good game against other Circle lists (which are populous at the dojo) and hopefully will be able to deal with high defense a bit too with the Fulcrum hopefully throwing an AOE out there.

Anyway, this post was a bit too much rambling, I'll see if I can't get a list(s) that I like out here.