Friday, September 28, 2012

Lord of the Feast!!

I've been pretty lazy about writing here, probably because I realized that I don't need to type stuff out to be essentially talking to myself, but whatever.  This write up isn't going to take very long either, but I felt like it was needed to highlight one of the most awesome solos in Warmachine / Hordes!

So I decided I wanted to do a few things differently than I had been playing.  First, I wanted to play a game without a Gorax as I don't think its the ultimate in necessary for every list.  Also, I've been wanting to get some more time with a few other pieces in my collection.  So, I assembled this list

Grayle the Farstrider
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Pureblood Warpwolf
- Winter Argus
- Woldwyrd
- Druid Wilder
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Lord of the Feast
Tharn Wolf Riders (max)
Reeve Hunter
Reeve Hunter
War Wolf
War Wolf

One thing of note with this list, is that it contains a lot of models with Hunter, which can always come in handy.  It also has access to a lot of movement shenanigans, a warlock who plays a bit of a different game for Circle, Wolf Riders that I've been wanting to play more with and Reeve Hunters that I've basically just wanted to get on the table more.  As far as the somewhat unique beast load out, first having access to Sprint for anything is always good for us, and the Stalker does a lot of good, so not much to explain there.  Without a Gorax in the list, I felt that the Pureblood was a good pick to hand out Blessed weapons.  Winter Argus is there because the sprays are decent, and Grayle likes having access to Winter Coat to give him +2 ARM.  Woldwyrd is another include because it can make some pretty solid use out of Awareness in some clutch situations, and is just good at being able to scalpel out some pieces.

Anyway, that's a lot of explanation for a night that turned out to be Lord of the Feast and the guys who help him do his job.

Game 1 vs Protectorate of Menoth - Reznik

I honestly don't remember the entire composition of the list.  It had choir, vassals, mechanics, 'jacks, covenant and some other stuff.  I opted to go 2nd I believe (or maybe I lost the roll and just had to go 2nd).  First, I was eye balling a situation where I thought that I could use the good Lord to cause a bunch of havok and put him up behind his choir and a few other things.  So Grayle Storm Rager'd him up (which was always the plan) and he tried to Raven, short by about an inch.  Do some other stuff, pass the turn.

On his turn, he failed to Perdition his Reckoner forward, so it had to settle on I think just killing one of my Shifting Stones and being a pain with where it was sitting.  He does some other stuff that was of very little consequence because I don't remember it, and passes the turn.

I upkeep Storm Rager.  Then I start to look, he's got the covenant in a spot that I can probably get Lord to, with some tricky moving and a good bird shot, and if i get behind there I have 2 choir and his 'caster that will take shots (and the book, but I'm not getting 5 attacks).  I figure, its going to kill some choir and be something he'll have to deal with.  So I do that, slip around, shoot the bird, hit the book, go behind it, do my thresher.  I have LOS to his 'caster because Reznik is on a medium base, otherwise I'd probably be blocked by his choir boy.  So at MAT 10, POW 15 i go ahead and thresher.  I kill the choir guys, 1 damage on the book, hit Reznik for like 6 (he's on either 1 or 0 focus).  I look, and figure I can hit, for some reason I decided to boost damage, I should have just bought 2 attacks, but my boosted damage exactly kills his 'caster.

Holy shit, that just happened.  Told me basically nothing about my list, and had his perdition gone off or my initial plan happened, none of this was likely to play out this way.  That said, it was pretty awesome that it worked like it did.

Game 2 vs Khador - Old Witch's Theme Force

My opponent and I will be the first to point out that her theme force is not the greatest in the world.  However, there is a theme force tournament coming up, so you have to try out a few things and see if they work.  This list had a bunch of Greylords, Kossites, Destroyers (I think), Man Hunters and so forth.  Kossites ambush, he gets to start with Old Witch's upkeeps out there.  Important to note is that Iron Flesh goes on the Old Witch.

I think he went first, but we both basically do the standard move up the board, only exception to this is that my Wolf Riders assault some Widowmakers that are in a trench, and I think killed 3 out of the 4 (which were the only shots I had).

On his turn 2, more moving up, Kossites jump out, I learned I needed to have been farther into the middle of the table.  He got charges with backstrikes on my Wolf Riders on my right, and 1 of the 2 Reeve Hunters and 1 of the 2 War Wolves that killed.  The rest of his army didn't do a whole lot that turn.

On my turn, first I want to highlight how Kossites being really bad allowed me to live out my dream with the Reeve Hunter.  Reeve Hunters can, in theory, kill 6 models in an activation.  Goes like this...
Melee initial attack #1, kill model, quick work generates a ranged attack, kill model #2, Swift Hunter allows a 2" move and Snap Fire goes off to take another shot, kill model #3, Swift Hunter into melee, kill model #4 with the 2nd melee initial attack, Quick Work triggers again shoot #5 kill, Swift Hunter another 2" Snap Fire model #6 and kill.  Mouth full.  Now, the reason its the "dream" is because Reeve Hunters are MAT 6 (MAT 8 on the charge) RAT 7, which is respectable, but a far cry from guaranteed hits and the melee weapons are POW 11 and 9, and the crossbow is POW 10, so again, chances of not breaking ARM can happen too.  Fortunately for me Kossites are DEF 12 ARM 10 ... so I did that entire sequence.  It was sexy.

Anyway, on pertinent matters, I'm looking at the table and I see that I can probably get to the Old Witch with Lord of the Feast, and probably blast her with the Woldwyrd.  The Pureblood puts Wraithbane on the already Storm Rager'd Lord and sprays some models.  Grayle goes, moves into a position, feats because I'm going to need more movement for the Wyrd and Lord maybe too (don't remember).  Winter Argus kills something to get which ever one needed to move to the right spot.  Problem here is that I had ALSO intended to get Wraithbane on the Wyrd, but I forgot to and then he got too far away. So it took some shots, but they didn't do anything.  Then I go ahead and move Lord up, he shoots I think a Greylord, gets behind it, putting him in melee with 2 Greylords and Old Witch.  He easily dispatches the Greylords, and needing only 5s to hit the old lady I put a pretty solid amount of damage on.  Buy another attack, some damage goes on, buy another attack, dead.

So, not sure how I feel about this list, but I at least do like Lord of the Feast and a Pureblood with the list.  I think I could do some manipulation with him and Sprint too.