Sunday, November 9, 2014

Krueger the Stormlord vs Vice Scrutator Vindictus

Alrighty, going 2-0 means that I'm paired up against Jordan Nach, who as of this writing is ranked #1 in the US by the only poll that I suppose I could work with which is the Warmachine Weekend rankings.  He's got Vindictus and Harbinger today for a change of pace.  With the scenario and his lists, I feel like Krueger is the right call, he chooses Vinny D!


Krueger the Stormlord (*5pts)
* Gorax (4pts)
* Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
Celestal Fulcrum (9pts)
Druids of Orboros (Leader and 5 Grunts) (7pts)
* Druid of Orboros Overseer (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)
Una the Falconer (3pts)
* Rotterhorn Griffon (3pts)

Vice Scrutator Vindictus (*6pts)
* Devout (5pts)
Daughters of the Flame (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Exemplar Errants (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer (2pts)
Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
Horgenhold Forge Guard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Attendant Priest (2pts)
Horgenhold Forge Guard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Attendant Priest (2pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
The Wrack (3 wracks) (1pts)


Process of Elimination

Special Rules

Mark two zones (12 inch × 6 inch rectangles) and place two Monolith objectives in accordance with the diagram below. The Monolith objectives are enemy models to all other models. Only the player who destroys/removes from play a Monolith earns 1 control point. Starting on the second player's second turn, at the end of each player's turn a player earns control points (CP) as follows:
Artifice: Kill Box
Objective: Destroyed/Removed from Play = 1 CP (once per objective)
Zone: Control = 1 CP, Dominate = 2 CP

Victory Conditions

The first player to earn at least 5 control points and have more control points than the opponent immediately wins the game.

If time runs out before a player has won the game via scenario or assassination victory, break the tie as outlined on the Scenario Reference Sheet. For the 3rd tiebreaker, double the army points within each zone


I win the die roll and for some reason think that its a good idea to go second so that I can choose the table side.  I basically deploy like I normally do centrally, and have the Fulcrum threatening the zone on the right.

Round 1

I am immediately reminded why I should have gone first after Vindictus uses True Path.  He also puts Defender's Ward onto the Errants.  After that his army comes screaming across the table and basically puts it so that I'm only going to get a few inches out of my advanced deploy line.  All game the Attendant Priests chant for Warding so I can't cast spells at their Forgeguard.

As I eluded to, I can't really get that far out of my deployment, and the Druids aren't doing much because there isn't many things which they can target.  I do believe I tried to throw The Devouring out there and try to hit something.  Krueger threw out a Lightning Storm that managed to catch Gorman and kill him (along with a zealot or 2 I think).  He cast Stormwall.  Una I think moved up maybe shot some.  Everything else basically just hid behind a wall that I had which was out of the kill box

Round 2

Vindictus moved up into the Killbox, camped his stack.  The Daughters manage to get I think the Gallows Grove and a Shifting Stone dead unfortunately.  Errants kill some Druids I believe, but not all of them.  Everything else floods into the zones.

I'm looking at a boat load of models to try and kill.  Fortunately the Daughters are now all bunched up, so I send the Rotterhorn over there, he Shrieks and I think kills 4 of them, so that's quality.  Fulcrum aims, kills a few more models.  Una is able to aim and kill off 3 models I'm fairly sure, this is a trend that will continue to happen in games that I talk about her.  I think I get off a couple sprays maybe with my Blackclad.  I believe that I send in the Stalker to kill some models and sprint away.  I make the mistake of when I do so not having him toe the zone.  Krueger moves up and shoots at a model, and then feats defensively, I realize that it would have been smart to throw out a Lightning Storm almost anywhere and I might have gotten some more models.

Round 3

He's in a position where basically his whole army can't get much work done, but they can fill into the zones, so they do.  I think a couple of attacks do get made, but largely with that much infantry the feat does a pretty solid job.  He still fills up the zones, and we've both scored points from killing objectives as well as he got an additional point because I didn't contest.

On my turn, I need to kill more models.  Una goes ahead and shoots 3 more models dead.  The Fulcrum aims some more, gets a few more.  The Feral kills a couple models, so does the Rotterhorn.  I Warp for Berserk with my Stalker and send him in on the Forge Guard on that side that are closer, and he kills I think all of them, then Sprints away.  I make the mistake of having my Gorax charge a single Zealot, mostly because I think that I need more to contest that zone.  In hindsight, I don't know that I think that's true.

Round 4

Jordan sees several of my mistakes and capitalizes on them.  He gets Forgeguard on the Gorax, a few on my Feral as well.  Fortunately I dropped some Druid clouds on that side, so the Feral is even harder to hit, so he survives.  My Gorax is not so fortunate.  I had used my Stone Keeper the turn before to try to kill some Aiyana and Holt, and I managed to kill Aiyana, but Holt now charged in on the Stone Keeper, and misses 4 times.  Everything else gets put into good positions for him.  Defender's Ward goes onto the Forgeguard on my left.

I think on my turn that there is a good idea to Trample with my Feral over the Forge Guard.  I kill off a few of the Forge Guard that would get a free strike from him doing so, I go ahead and trample, and unfortunately without the Gorax to help things along I need 8s to kill, and only get 1 of them.  I then kill the UA at the end of that trample.  I had used the Stalker to try to kill some things as well I think.  Then realizing I left charge lines to Krueger, I swing the Fulcrum around and try to kill some of them, and fail mostly.

Round 5

Jordan is massively up on clock this time.  Holt finally kills the Stone Keeper, then shoots at the Stalker twice, and he goes down.  The Feral was out there too, the Devout gets in on him, as does some Forge Guard I think.  The Rotterhorn dies here too.  I think maybe one or two of the last Druids maybe get shot at too.  Defender's Ward gets put on Vindictus who hides in a forest.

My only option, because I'm at like 2 minutes on my clock, is to try to kill Vindictus.  Krueger needs to hit a 13 ... he doesn't.  I let time run out at this point.  Victory Jordan!


Fortunately for me Jordan talked me through a lot of the game afterwards and places where I could have done better.  There are 2 really big ones though, the first being that I should have gone first when I had the chance to do so, it really changes the game significantly.  Also, I need to play a LOT faster.  It would be nice getting more games in against some really infantry heavy lists because I sort of had to spend more time in the tanks to try to solve the puzzle I was presented with.

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