Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver vs Dominar Rasheth

Its one of the greatest times of all of the year for Warmachine players, and its Warmachine Weekend!  Like every year, they have what basically ends up being the largest single tournament of the year which is the Last Chance Qualifier.  I decided to once again try that out figuring that I'm looking to get a lot of good games in and try my hand at finishing out.  I brought with me Wold War and Krueger2 for the event, which was D&C 1 and only 2 lists.

Round 1 sees me paired up against a fella named Daniel who I believe is from Indianapolis, and he's brought Skorne with him.  You'll have to forgive me that I forget what the other list is, but needless to say he goes ahead and chooses Chain Gang.


Image Courtesy of Griffon's Roost Painting

Woldwar - Tier 4
Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver (*6pts)
* Woldwatcher (0pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
* Woldwarden (9pts)
* Woldwarden (9pts)
Sentry Stone (Leader and 3 Manikins) (3pts)
Sentry Stone (Leader and 3 Manikins) (3pts)
Sentry Stone (Leader and 3 Manikins) (3pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)

Chain Gang - Tier 4
Dominar Rasheth (*5pts)
* Basilisk Krea (4pts)
* Bronzeback Titan (9pts)
* Titan Gladiator (7pts)
* Titan Sentry (8pts)
* Titan Sentry (8pts)
Gatormen Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Agonizer (2pts)
Agonizer (2pts)
Paingiver Task Master (2pts)
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunts) (1pts)



Special Rules

Mark two zones (12 inch × 6 inch rectangles) and place two Ammunition Cache objectives in accordance with the diagram below. The objective on Player 1's side of the table is a friendly Faction model to Player 1 and vice versa. Starting on the second player's second turn, at the end of each player's turn a player earns control points (CP) as follows
Friendly Zone: Dominate = 1 CP
Enemy Zone: Control = 1 CP, Dominate = 2 CP
Enemy Objective: Destroyed/Removed from Play = 1 CP (once per objective)

Victory Conditions

The first player to earn at least 5 control points and have more control points than the opponent immediately wins the game.

If time runs out before a player has won the game via scenario or assassination victory, break the tie as outlined on the Scenario Reference Sheet. For the 3rd tiebreaker, double the army points within the enemy zone.

Only the active player scores when multiple players dominate the same zone or flag.


In this game I am reminded that we're playing timed turns, and it has definitely been a long time.  I'm still definitely not a fan of timed turns over deathclock either, as I frequently find that I have a big turn that leaves me in sufficient position to win a lot of the time.  Its definitely something I need to improve though.  It also highlights the importance of sniping out an early scenario point though.  Anyway, I win the die roll, my opponent chooses a side and we're off!

Just as a caveat now, and I'll try not to repeat throughout all of these posts, but I didn't get pictures of any of my games.  There was definitely too much going on for that sadly.

Round 1

This game was the first one that I played, so you'll have to bear with me, because some of the things just aren't falling into place.  I definitely run up this turn with everything.  I can't recall if I did the forest wall to cover my army or not, its definitely not necessary in this matchup because nothing really has a long enough threat range to get to my army until the next turn.  Bradigus casts Synergy.  Shifting Stones are setup to give me the potential access to a triple-port assassination potentially.

One mistake that I made, he was able to capitalize on this turn I believe, which is that Rasheth was able to throw a Blood Rain I believe that it is, at a Shifting Stone and take it out, the other one lives though.  Otherwise, he moved up with a Titan Sentry sort of on my left and central, the Krea and Gladiator are fairly central and a Bronzeback towards the outside on the right, and the Posse to the far left which are basically engaging me because they ran.  One Agonizer got pretty close too I think.

Round 2

This is where timed turns go to bite me a bit.  I've managed to trap my Woldwarden in just a bit, which is pretty unfortunate that he's not going to be able to be pushed straight ahead, but oh well.  Game plan is to try to get 2-3 heavies dead and then ride things out.  Gators are more or less in my face now.  I have one of the Woldwardens and Woldwatchers get Synergy going.  Then plan is to teleport my beasts into his and get some work done.  Problem with that is that I basically run out of time even with my extension, which is my fault for just not thinking through my plan faster.

With some of my stuff not killing his heavies like I had planned on, he takes advantage for sure.  I don't remember completely how it went, but I'm relatively sure that I don't have at least 2 of my heavies at this point.

Round 3

I still have Shifting Stones that are up, and I think a Guardian was in them.  I am fairly sure that I kill the Bronzeback this turn with one of my heavies after helping it with Synergy.  Bradigus charges in on the Sentry, manages to slam it out of the friendly zone.  Some other stuff happens that I'm not really recalling unfortunately, but I do know it includes putting some forest templates down.  I score a point though for dominating the friendly zone, which I think is important with it being timed turns, and also, Bradigus is in a Shifting Stones triangle, which is pretty important.

He forgets to shake the Sentry, which at the time I thought maybe there was some reason he didn't want to force it, but he just forgot the order you have to do that in.  Anyway, more work happens, including I think my other Woldwarden dying, and maybe one more thing.  He doesn't quite manage to clear any zones out though.

Round 4

I'm looking at the board, and my side of the table is full of Sentry and Shifting Stones, and the other side only has 1-2 Gatormen in it and the Taskmaster.  So I figure if I can clear that zone out, I'll go to 3 control points and he HAS to contest it or I win.  There is a Sentry over there, but its not that close, and its going to have a hard time getting to Brad, and its definitely not getting Rush on it because of where Rasheth and the Gladiator are.  So the Wolds over there clear out I think 1 Gator.  Bradigus gets double teleported so that he's in melee with both a Gatorman and with the task master, but also within 6" of the Sentry so that I can potentially Battering Ram it.  Problem with this plan is that it takes me all but 1 fury to get the stupid Taskmaster dead.  However at the point that I was about to do that, I realized that I wouldn't have fury left, and Bradigus beatbacks himself all the way into the corner of the zone, but I do score 2 control points, so I'm at 3.

He starts to take his turn basically trying to kill as much as he can and contest that zone.  I think I maybe have a chance at that point, but Dice Down gets called sometime during this turn.  Since I am winning 3 control points to 0, the win goes to me!


Biggest take away in this game is just that I need to play my list faster, and definitely watch out for the little things for sure.  Was a solid game, solid opponent and starting with a win was what I was hoping to have, so that's great!

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