Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tactica - Morvahna the Autumnblade

I've been playing Morvahna for quite a while now, and I think its about time for me to write down some of my thoughts on tactics for playing her.  I'm not professing to be an expert with her just yet, but I think I've got some good advice for people looking to play.  I'm also intending that this document will
grow, change, adapt, etc based on more findings as I go along.  Lets get started shall we?

Morvahna the Autumnblade


SPD 6 STR 5 MAT 6 RAT 4 DEF 15 ARM 13 CMD 9 FURY 7 Damage 14 Warbeast Points +6

The first thing here that should stick out is should probably be how squishy she is.  DEF 15 isn't really going to be enough to keep most warlocks alive if anything that can boost gets to her.  Overall, you want to keep her out of melee unless there are a couple of things that you can rely on that I'll get to later on.  ARM 13 is basically wearing paper as far as survivability goes.  The rest of her stats are pretty standard for a Circle warlock though, so I won't spend much time on them.

One of the big things that she does have going for her that is worth mentioning is FURY 7.  This is probably a little above average for Circle, but it definitely means she can spit out quite a few spells, support beasts without much trouble and upkeep several spells.


Equinox - P+S = 12, Magical Weapon, Reach, Harrow

Not going to go over the values that don't matter, you all know how reach, magical weapons and POW 12 works.  Harrow on the other hand is not something that most of you would be familiar with, and for good reason ... its specific to Morvahna.  What it does is any enemy model damaged by the weapon suffers Harrow for one round.  Once per turn Morvahna can transfer damage from an enemy attack to an enemy model with Harrow.  What this means is that with Morvahna's low ARM value you could really be transferring quite a bit of damage to an enemy.  I wouldn't rely on it most of the time, but it will make people hesitate and/or will facilitate you taking out something that you wouldn't otherwise think you cool.  Don't rely on it, but don't forget it.

Special Abilities

Pathfinder, Sacrificial Pawn [Faction warrior]

Every Circle warrior model that can walk has Pathfinder, its what we do.  No exception here of course. Sacrificial Pawn is actually a HUGE aspect of Morvahna though.  Basically, if you play this correctly it can make Morvahna virtually immune to any kind of ranged assassination.  I'll suggest some good targets for this later on, but this ability really is what can make her great for making some matchups heavily in your favor.


Eruption of Life
This spell definitely has potential to be awesome.  If it destroys a living or undead enemy model a few different things happen.  First, a 3" AOE gets centered on the model before its removed from the table, please note that it is still destroyed, which is important when we talk about Harvest later.  First thing is that the AOE stays in play for a round and is a Forest.  So right off of the bat its a spell that can be great for denying your enemy movement, line of sight, etc.  Also, all enemy models in the AOE suffer an unboostable POW 13 blast damage roll.  If you have an enemy that's clumping models up even a little bit, this spell is a GREAT way to wipe them off the table.

There is a lot of debate over which of Morvahna's spells are more important, this one or Regrowth, so that might tell you something about this spell already.  Anytime an enemy living or undead model is destroyed in her control area she gets a fury, and she can't ever go over her 7 fury.  This spell enables ALL of her shenanigans.  Its what enables Influence to actually be a spell that matters.  Eruption of Life can be a free spell sometimes.  And it lets you pay for Regrowth'ing warrior models during your control phase and have the ability to still do stuff after that.

Simple spell, take control of an enemy warrior that isn't their caster, make one melee attack, then it expires.  With Harvest this can become a free spell basically, which is fantastic.  Look for reach models with a decent MAT and POW, especially if you can see to the back line of some formations.  Its still situational because they have to position for you to use it, but again, for 1 fury, don't forget its there

This spell is what makes Morvahna dangerous.  Its not a simple spell though, but you can target a friendly living Faction small-based unit with it.  During your control phase you can spend 1+ fury.  For each fury you can put a destroyed grunt back into the unit, within 3" of another unit member, in formation and in Morvahna's control area, and it has one unmarked damage box.   There are only 2 ways this spell goes away outside of Morvahna deciding to let it happen.  One, the entire unit is killed, so its a good argument for putting out a unit that can be 10+ models strong.  The other is if the upkeep is removed, which can be a problem naturally.

Target friendly faction model/unit gets +2 ARM and when Morvahna upkeeps the spell she can heal 1 point for each model affected within an inch.  This is great for helping really make some stuff tougher to kill, especially those sac pawn targets you're looking to use.  Its also great with some of the warbeasts that are already pretty tough to take out.  The healing will sometimes help her to be able to cut for some fury if she needs to.


Seeds of Destruction
To keep this simple, in her control area an Eruption of Life happens anytime an enemy model is destoyed by a friendly faction model.  The Eruption is centered on the model that was destroyed the POW 13 happens.  There are some games where this feat won't ever seem like it makes any sense, and others where you'll be happy it was there.  Often you'll be slowly grinding down their infantry with your infantry that you're regrowing, and the stuff with higher ARM due to Restoration.  It can also be awkward because of how order of operations works out frequently.  I wouldn't build her with the idea that she'll be using her feat a lot, but don't forget its there either.


Light Warbeasts


The Argus gets a lot of bad press too, which is unfortunate.  Its probably about average for a 4 costed Light Warbeast to be honest.  The biggest reason I can think to include it is to throw Pathfinder onto Ghetorix so that pesky wall isn't really an issue any more.  The real reason I'd give him a try would be the theme force if you're looking to give that a try.  Throwing Primal on an Argus will give you the potential to accurately hit with combo strike at POW 18 on the charge, and then they have a DEF 15 roadbump to figure out a solution to.

Winter Argus

I'm not sure what I think of this guy yet.  If his animus was anything but SELF he'd be an autoinclude in a LOT of lists, sadly that didn't happen.  RAT 4 makes me a bit sad, but there are still 2 sprays and boosting can work.  Until he's out I think I'm going to wait to pass judgement.


The Gorax sees a lot of play for Circle for a reason.  Its FURY 4 and it has Primal.  These are important things.  That said, I haven't been playing the list with him, mostly because it hasn't been the list intended to destroy things with a Primal'd Stalker/Ghetorix/Feral, because this list shouldn't need to.  I'd say if the list starts playing a Feral and/or Stalker rather than Wolds/Ghetorix, then this guy gets the nod.  Also, if we're talking about a theme force, you'll definitely have at least one of these along for the ride.

Scarsfell Griffon

This isn't out yet, but I think it has maybe some potential with Morvahna.  The biggest reason being that it has Hunter and Stealth.  It can get pretty much anywhere, and its really not going to get shot.  If I need to not get attacks, then its animus will help.  The animus could also help Morvahna at times, so that's worth noting.  I think it gets special attention if you're willing to put her theme force to the test too.


This is an interesting choice.  I've tried it in one game, and it didn't perform all that well.  It does have the potential to mess with the opponents spell plan.  It also can certainly make them think twice about putting a buff on something and/or will put a hurt on anything that does.  I don't think I've managed to figure out how to use this the best way though.  If you want something to hunt down some support, or make havoc, try it out.  Theme force is also not a bad place to consider it.


While I don't think this guy is ever bad, even if I always sort of wish he had +1 FURY, but I don't see Morvahna as being the list for him.  His animus is always helpful to prevent assassinations, but that's about it.  He's not going to help you take out a heavy target, Morvahna isn't going to do a whole lot to support him, and Shield Guard is sort of lost on him given that she has Sac Pawn.

Heavy Warbeasts

Shadowhorn Satyr

I haven't played nearly enough with this guy, he seems like he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve though.  I think there is some potential for him to work with Morvahna, but without having spent any time testing that, I'm going to refrain from much additional comment.  The only thing I will add is that with Colossals/Gargantuans coming out, this guy is going to be harder to justify since he's not going to put much of a dent into one of those.

Gnarlhorn Satyr

This guy suffers from much the same problems as the Shadowhorn, mostly that I haven't played him in the list.  Counter Charge could be useful for helping to protect Morvahna though, so there is that.

Feral Warpwolf

Want stuff dead?  Play a Feral.  Since I've been playing this list mostly to deal with a lot of ranged situations, I haven't been playing him.  If you want a more standard beast approach though, this should be one of your first stops I'd say.

Pureblood Warpwolf

I like the spray, I like the animus.  I have played him a little in her list, and he's great at helping with the infantry, he'll hit some stuff with a bit more ARM.  Stops spells from hitting him.  And can be a great way to soften something up with the spray.  That said, max'ing out at POW 16, the spray is nice, but those 9 points are probably better spent else where in this list, or at least not first here.

Warpwolf Stalker

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here.  Stalkers are amazing.  If you want to play the list with a lot of yo-yo and killing power, then this is your guy.  He's got basically all of the tools to get it done.  


As always, the reason you take this guy is to utilize Geomancy.  The problem with that is that he still only has 2 POW 15 attacks, which isn't going to get much done in that department.  A big advantage he does have though is being able to get all of your upkeeps out there early on, and then later he'll be able to toss out a free Eruption of Life too, which could prove useful.  His animus never really hurts to have access to, but isn't ultimately that necessary either.

Wold Guardian

Want to play an attrition game, then an ARM 20 Wold is probably where its at.  He has a supurb animus in Flesh of Clay that helps him (and to a lesser extent Morvahna) survive a heavy ranged game. Coming in with POW 17 on his knockdown arm is good too.  I highly recommend this guy with Morvahna's attrition game.


Everything good about the Woldwarden, along with a better animus, better POW on the attacks, +1 FURY, +1 ARM and auto healing.  If you don't have him in another list, I'd make it a serious consideration to have him in this list.  That said, I think Baldur, Mohsar, Krueger and Cassius would all make better use out of him at minimum.


If Ghetorix isn't in another list, Morvahna is a good place to consider him.  It means you have some heavier hitting without having to bring a Gorax along.  It also can survive VERY well with unyielding and restoration if you need to.  Add in that when you warp Hyper Aggressive that a lot of people will hesitate to shoot him.  Additionally, his animus can really make people think about attacking Morvahna because she's going to be able to hit you back with it and then you'll have Harrow to deal with.


Druids of Orboros

Druids have always been a fantastic toolbox unit.  Counter Magic can definitely swing a bunch of matchups in your favor.  They can sometimes heal a beast.  Mostly they can throw up clouds to block LOS and they can do their push pull stuff.  The UA bringing elemental protection and a decently powerful AOE is good too.  If you have room for them, I'd say they'll perform well for her, but I don't think they're an auto-include at all.

Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers

This is a fantastic unit for Circle under most circumstances, just not Morvahna.  They do bring some ranged attacks to the table, but her inability to give them Regrowth tends to make me shy away from them as an option.  Also, there is at least one better option with ranged attacks that we have access to that DOES benefit from Regrowth.

Sentry Stone & Mannikins

This is a unit that doesn't get a lot of press time unless your name is Baldur, but unfortunately that isn't going to change here either.  Morvahna already can make forests with her feat and Eruption of Life, so that aspect of the Mannikins is pretty much taken care of.  The Mannikins regrow themselves, so no need for Regrowth even if it could target them (it can't).  They aren't bringing enough damage or longevity to the table really to justify the points.

Shifting Stones

This is a Circle Orboros army, that means Shifting Stones are probably a good thing to put in your list.  I do think that Morvahna can benefit from Shifting Stones quite a bit.  First off, you're far less likely to need them for fury management, so I'm sure some might be less tempted to take them because of that.  However, teleporting, healing and being ARM 18 is what they're fantastic at.  I'm not going to go over how their threat ranges are great, that's pretty much Circle 101.  The things you should keep in mind though, first is that putting them behind say Restoration'd Skinwalkers that are ARM 20 will make for a vary annoying force to deal with.  The other thing they're great for is Sac Pawns, because yes they're still Warrior models.  I wouldn't even be afraid at times to put Restoration on them either.  I would put these very high on the include list.

Reeves of Orboros

This is a unit that is much maligned for Circle, but to be perfectly honest I'm not ready to say this unit would be garbage with Morvahna.  The Bloodtrackers being perfectly suited for her list though makes them a tougher sell.  I haven't played them with her, but if I do expect a better answer for this one.

Tharn Bloodtrackers

Morvahna turns these girls all the way up to 11.  They're already the best unit in the game possibly for skirmishing in the middle of the table, and now they end up just coming back turn after turn with Regrowth.  You want to make sure you're taking a max unit, and in my opinion Nuala goes here too.  They largely should never be in melee unless they have to be though, they should be moving around and skirmishing.

Tharn Bloodweavers

These are present in her theme force, and are definitely a unit that has some strengths.  If they were a unit that you could have 10 members of, we probably wouldn't ever talk about Wolves of Orboros in her list.  That said, they're far superior when there are living models on the table, which can make something of a difference.  I've tried them as another unit and as reinforcements.  I think since they have Stealth that there is definitely some promise here, I just haven't yet found their niche.

Tharn Wolf Riders

Wolf Riders first off are great as reinforcements.  Next though, I still just haven't quite figured out the best way to use them.  Fortunately they operate on their own pretty well, which is good because Morvahna doesn't have much support to give them.  The thing they tend to have a problem with is that you have to A) pick the right prey and B) don't think they'll live through much, and plan that accordingly.

Tharn Ravagers

They hit hard, they move fast, but they also die pretty easily.  They do syngergize well with her feat, and with Restoration up they actually have a chance of really mucking up a lot of table space.  With the Chieftain giving them advanced deploy and brutal charge they can definitely put a hurt out there.  Not sure.  I don't know that they're a bad choice here, but for now I haven't played them with her enough to say a whole lot.

Warpborn Skinwalkers

If you want a unit that is going to never go away, these guys are where you should look!  They are fantastic at getting into melee and then being ARM 20 with Restoration.  They pretty much make it, along with Shifting Stones, so that Morvahna isn't getting murdered at range.  Perfect Sac Pawn targets, and with some Shifting Stones healing them, they aren't too likely to be disappearing without some targetted attacks.  Definitely recommended.

Wolves of Orboros

This is the other unit that can have 10 members of note that Circle has (and it'll actually be 12 because it  generally wants the UA).  If you want go bring another unit to take up a pretty big chunk of table, these are your guys.  They can also hit pretty damn accurately at MAT 8 on the charge with the ability to do a CMA on top of that.  They certainly can act as another great target for Regrowth should the Bloodtrackers somehow all die and/or should they be ok for a turn and you want to bring back some more stuff to attrition with.


Blackclad Wayfarer

The reason you take the Blackclad is because he is a warrior model with elemental immunity.  You can Sac Pawn to him against like Legion and a few other match ups, and he'll take no damage nor will Morvahna.  Everything else he does is just gravy after that, but he does have some great SP8 magic 7 as well as potentially getting to use Hunter's Mark.

Druid Wilder

Whether you take this, in my opinion has to do with your warbeast load out.  If you go with the lists I'm going to suggest below, then there isn't really a good place for this model.  If you're playing models with good animi (Gorax, Stalker, Gnarlhorn, or Pureblood) then this model definitely can make a lot of sense.  Otherwise, there are better places for your 2 points

Reeve Hunter

This is a model I've been looking at giving some trial time with Morvahna, but haven't yet been able to find the spot to give this a try.  More on this in the future.

Tharn Ravager White Mane

If you want someone who's going to be able to take out some infantry on his own in Circle, he's your guy.  Should synergize well with Morvahna's feat, and is a great solo hunter since he's MAT 10 on a charge with a pretty powerful P+S to back it up.  Built-in Sprint will be a good thing as well.  Have to be careful to not get him shot ahead of time though, as his defense is not the greatest after Sprint.

War Wolf

Without a Reeve Hunter or a unit of Reeves in the army, Gallows Groves are just a better 1 point filler model.  With those things though, I would be revisiting this particular model.

Lord of the Feast

Four points is a lot to spend on a solo, but this one is pretty powerful.  The games I've played with him I haven't quite been able to get him to work out the way I'd like for him to.  He's got stealth, which is a good start since you don't want something as powerful as he is to just be sitting out there in the wind, because he'll get shot for sure!  That said, with the other options for dealing with infantry, I'd say that he's not a necessity for the list, but could be powerful if played properly.

Wolf Lord Morraig

I would say this guy is pretty powerful, and can hit pretty damn hard.  I don't see myself including him in a list without the Wolves of Orboros though.  I know, people frequently say that he's powerful even without them in the list, and sure.  But with character restrictions in place I just can't see not putting him in a list where he'd be fully optimal.  If you have 5 points to spare after you put in a unit of Wolves, this guy is ALWAYS worth it.

Gallows Groves

I have been glad of these being out.  Definitely has allowed Morvahna to sling more spells into the thick of it, without exposing herself like she used to have to do.  Also, helps to get around a lot of stealth because the tree can get closer.  Will once in a while turn off Tough too if I remember it can do that!

Totem Hunter

I've had him in a list before, and he definitely does well what he does, and that's hunt solos.  If Eiryss is a big problem, this guy will hunt her down.  Same with anything else.  That said, I'm not so sure that the Tharn Ravager White Mane or like 3-4 Wolves of Orboros aren't better suited for the job.

Gatorman Witch Doctor

I've been chomping at the bit for this guy.  Thought it was hard to kill off a unit of Bloodtrackers before?  Well now they're Tough and Fearless every turn.  That's going to be a big deal for sure.  Until I get him on the table, that's about all to say there.

Battle Engines

Celestial Fulcrum

This is a piece that I haven't tried out with Morvahna yet.  The only spell that she might have for it is Restoration, but I'm not sure if that's the best use.  Its a BIG target when you have a lot of other targets in your build that seems like its going to get a lot of attention.  I'd say I'm on the fence about it at best.

Theme Force - Harvest of Blood

Warbeasts: Circle non-character light warbeasts 
Units: Druids of Orboros, Tharn Bloodtrackers, Tharn Bloodweavers, Tharn Wolf Riders, Shifting Stones
Solos: Blackclad Wayfarer, Druid Wilder, War Wolves

Tier 1

Requirements: The army can include only the models listed above
Benefit: Tharn Bloodtracker and Tharn Bloodweaver units become FA 3

Tier 2

Requirements: The army includes one or more Tharn Bloodtracker units
Benefit: Add Nuala the Huntress to one Tharn Bloodtracker unit free of cost

Tier 3

Requirements: The army includes two or more Tharn Bloodweaver units
Benefit: Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by Morvahna's upkeep spells.  These spells and their targets must be declared before either player sets up models.  Morvahna does not pay fury to upkeep these spells during your first turn.

Tier 4

Requirements: The army includes one Tharn Wolf Rider unit
Benefit: Your deployment zone is extended 2" forward


35 points

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)

50 points

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stonies
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Groves x3
Wolves of Orboros (max)
- Wolves of Orboros Chieftain and Standard

75 points

Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Ghetorix
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Groves x3
Wolves of Orboros (max)
- Wolves of Orboros Chieftain and Standard
Wolf Lord Morraig
Gatorman Witch Doctor x2
Tharn Ravager White Mane

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