Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baldur1 vs Makeda2

So we rolled up a scenario and its Envolpment , which is a flank scenario.  So we bust out our reinforcements this means.  He let me know that he only has one list because his other list has Tiberion in it and therefore it isn't legal yet.  Here's the list he's got...

Supreme Archdomina Makeda
- Molik Karn
- Bronzeback Titan
- Titan Gladiator
- Cyclops Shaman
Paingiver Beast Handlers
Praetorian Swordsman
- Praetorian Swordsman Officer and Standard
Tyrant Commander and Standard
Extoller Stoneward
Tyrant Rhadeim

Praetorian Ferox (min)
Tyrant Commander and Standard

So with the list, the scenario and so on ... just like the title suggests, I went with Baldur1.  The biggest reason for doing this I think was that I was bringing the beef in from the side of the table in a 2nd Wold Guardian and a Blackclad.  Terrain was thrown out there by our friendly press ganger and we're off.

I won the roll, and I opted to go first.  I tried to do as close to my typical deployment here, but I learned in the process that deploying for flank scenarios is tricky.  I think I should have deployed to try to take my zone and use my reinforcements to contest the zone I need to defend.  Alas, I didn't realize that until later.  Oh well!

Turn 1 is full of advancing.  Baldur moves to the center, casts his upkeeps, etc.  He did some stuff I forget, but he did kill off my Mannikins with Molik before he Fate Walker'd away.

The next turn things got interesting.  Reinforcements hit the table, mine just ran to get them into Baldur's control area.  My guys did a little bit of shooting at some of his things.  Baldur feated.  He realized he wasn't going to get very close, and his whole army retreated, while he sent in his cav from the reinforcements.  He managed to kill off about 1/2 of the wold shrimp.

In return I wiped his cav off the board, took out some swordsman I think.  Pretty sure my main Wold Guardian moved up to take out Something, honestly not completely sure what it was.  He tried later to kill that Guardian and realized it wasn't going to happen and threw it at Baldur.  That didn't do a whole lot though, since nothing could be knocked down.

This game has been long enough that I'm forgetting the details.  What happened though was the Molik missile went after Baldur, who was camping on 4 fury.  I don't think he had a lot of chance to kill unless the dice were really in his favor.  Both units of Shifting Stones were active though, so I teleported the Guardian into base with Makeda, hit, knocked her down, dealt some damage.  Baldur got teleported in from the other set of stones, and had 7 attacks to kill her, which he did.

The only thing of review here for myself I think is that I should have tried to go harder for my zone to threaten the scenario win.  Baldur gets up the table fast, so that should have been a consideration.

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