Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver vs Grand Scrutator Severius

Bradigus was pre-released at GenCon, and let me tell you that model is pretty bad ass looking.  I'm pretty excited for his rules too!  Chance to play Synergy in Hordes?? That is one of the spells that if you had asked people a few months ago to list their top 5 spells that will never be on a Warlock, you'd definitely see that one near the top.

Hopefully after I play a few more games I'll post up more of a tactica, but for now I'm just going to go over my game.

To start with though, here's the list that I played:

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver (*6pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Megalith (11pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)

As I look at Bradigus, basically I feel like all of his game revolves around his battlegroup.  To that end then, if its not something for his battlegroup or supporting it, I'm uninterested.  I'm sure there'll be some debates over what the list I prefer is, but for the time being, this one definitely seemed to work with a lot of his strengths and did its best to support him.

In this game I got to play against local Tom who was playing Protectorate as the title eludes to, and he decided to play the Sevy list that he's been playing.  Neither of us discussed the pairing ahead of time, we just kind of threw down, so I don't think if he know he had to face Bradigus that he would have played what he did, but there it is.  Here's the list he brought:

Grand Scrutator Severius (*6pts)
* Blessing of Vengeance (7pts)
* Fire of Salvation (9pts)
* Hierophant (2pts)
Avatar of Menoth (11pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Daughters of the Flame (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Daughters of the Flame (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Idrian Skirmishers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
* Idrian Skirmishers Chieftain & Guide (3pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)

The scenario was Rally Point, no kill box on this one, otherwise a fairly balanced scenario that is definitely win-able.  I won the die roll and opted to go first.


I decided basically to deploy centrally with the non-AD models, which was the 2 Guardians, Megalith, Bradigus and the Blackclad.  My AD then became all 4 Woldwatchers spread out across the AD line, with the non-stealth Stones behind 3 of them, and the stealth ones fairly spread out there too.  I may need to try some more interesting deployment styles with this army, but that's what I went with for the time being.

I don't remember 100% of how he deployed, the Idrians and the Daughters both have AD though, so it was going to take no time at all for our lines to clash.

Round 1:

Pretty simple turn for me, all 4 Woldwatchers move up, and cast their animus for free due to Earth Magic.  Megalith and the Guardians run up, Shifting Stones move into positions to be able to utilize the Shifting Stones.  Bradigus casts Synergy and the Blackclad goes somewhere.  I make sure that I have Shifting Stones in place to be able to remove some fury and the Watcher's are setup to make sure they're able to Shield Guard the Stones and Blackclad.

His turn, he looked and realized that the only work the Daughters were likely to get done is jamming, so they run and 3 of them from each unit are basically engaging my Woldwatchers, with the others hanging back to help jam the next time around.  Idrians advance and Go To Ground.  The rest of the stuff moves up to get into the fray later, with Vision going on the Blessing, Eye of Menoth going up, and Defender's Ward going on the Idrians

Round 2:

So, now its time to do some work.  First thing I do is activate Megalith, and he advances to a position where he can start the chain and kill a Daughter that's jamming one of the Watchers on the left.  I advance, use Undergrowth, hit on the 6 to kill the Daughter, Synergy goes to +1, he then tries to Geomancy a Rift over at another Daughter that is near the Avatar, which works out fairly well.  With the animus up, I'm able to use the Woldwatchers over on that side to start turning Daughters into Forests and increase Synergy.  The watchers on the other side do the same, and everything else moves up.  Bradigus I believe made sure to have Flesh of Clay up this time just in case the Idrians decide to get cute.

I do believe I nearly made a mistake here that almost cost me my Stone Keeper, which I put in Stone Form, but he shouldn't have been able to get to him anyway.  So that Daughter doesn't kill, but is right in Bradigus' way.   Idrians try to do some CRAs on Megalith, definitely do a little bit of damage, but nothing of consequence really.  I think this turn he forgot somewhere along the way that the Watchers have Shield Guard.  He also ran the Avatar from my left side all the way to the right side (much as a 10" run allows for anyway) because it was just going to get a teleport'd in Guardian that was going to smash it, and it got Defender's Ward cycled over to it.

Round 3:

Kind of go with the same plan here as before, but I definitely see that I can get the Guardian in on the Fire of Salvation, so I build for that.  Megalith moves up, animus, start the chain, the watchers start making Idrians and Daughters into forests.  I think Bradigus got a kill on a Daughter that was right in front of him as well.  Teleport the Guardian over, and it made short work out of the Guardian.

On his turn the Avatar is able to take out the Guardian, which I had basically expected, Blessing made himself a problem and moved into an awkward position because I think either did or wanted to channel something.  The remaining Daughters go into an extreme flanking position and I think this is when they kill my Blackclad maybe.

Round 4:

As I look at the table I realize that if I can kill his 2 jacks its pretty much just a matter of time after that.  I can still teleport both Bradigus and the Wold Guardian.  Its tricky here, so I start killing stuff with the other things to get Synergy up there.  Then I send in Bradigus against the Blessing to get it dead.  I need to use the Woldwatcher's animus, which I should have done on the one I sent in to remove Vision to begin with, but I didn't.  It takes the full stack to get him dead, so I feat, choose 0" and then later I'll choose 4" to move backwards out of the range of an Immolation barrage from Sevy and so I'm engaging the Daughters to not get charge damages.  After I put him down, I send in the Guardian on the Avatar, and his dice are on fire and I think I kill him with an attack to spare.

His turn looks pretty bleak.  I believe he charged Sevy into the zone at one of his own Choir models, he measures to see if he can Immolate, which isn't there.  Then he looks at trying to setup for Ashes, and that doesn't really go well either.

Round 5:

Tom insists that I table him, so Megalith kills a model, geomancy to kill another, some other things die I think and then Bradigus goes ahead and takes down Sevy.

A few things were learned in this game.  First, I probably needed to play my feat turn differently, because now that I think back on it, I don't think that I can have the Watcher's animus up AND move myself later with the feat.  I could also have just attacked until I was beyond 3" away, and then feated myself back into base, and still been able to back up.  

Megalith was a rock-star in this particular game because his animus allowed for some fairly trivial starting of Synergy.  That said, even boosted MAT 6 would likely amount in a synergy starting, so its maybe icing, but it was delicious icing in this game.  The watchers did their job nicely, lots of forests created, things dying and Synergy moving up.  It definitely did fix the major concern which was the hitting power of the Wolds.

I did feel like the Blackclad was sort of out of place here, his purpose is mostly to get a free charge for a battlegroup member and that didn't happen this whole game.  Might be better off being the Druid Wilder, but time will tell on that.  Only other thing is that a lack of a 2nd geomancer and/or Gallows Groves did prevent Bradigus from doing something on at least one turn because he was so far back.

The Watchers did an alright job not dying in this game even without Roots of the Earth to help make them invulnerable.  All in all a good game to kick of a new caster with!

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