Friday, September 26, 2014

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver vs Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard

Alrighty, now that my wonderful wife is done working her magic painting Bradigus, I'm in the dojo to get some more games in with him.  I've decided to play essentially the same list as last week, with the only alteration being to throw in the Druid Wilder.  Here's the list for reference:

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver (*6pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Woldwatcher (5pts)
* Megalith (11pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
* Druid Wilder (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)

My opponent was our local elf painter extraordinaire Seth.  I let him know that I'd be playing Bradigus again and didn't really get picky about what we would be playing.  He decided to go ahead and make it a Synergy-off and picked Vyros2 with all the Griffons.  A lot of the forums had thoroughly claimed that Bradigus was not going to be great in this matchup so I was excited to put that to the test

Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard (*5pts)
* Aspis (4pts)
* Aspis (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Griffon (4pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Dawnguard Invictors (Leader and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
* Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard (2pts)
Arcanist (1pts)
Arcanist (1pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)

We generated a random scenario courtesy of which is a handy way to get a random scenario when you've left your SR2014 packet at home.  The internet demigods provided us with Destruction! We rolled off, he won the roll and opted to go 2nd and thus choosing the side

So, no big surprises with deployment, basically went with the same plan as last week, obviously with the Druid Wilder hiding behind everything.  He had his army spread out pretty far, which is about what you'd expect with that many Griffons and a 12 man unit.

Round 1

You'll have to forgive my photos, they're from my cell phone and it was so low on battery that I'm kind of amazed I managed to have pics of any kind.  Basically, everyone moves up, I put the army into a position where all of the Shifting Stones can take a fury off of everything.  Bradigus puts up Synergy and that's about that.

Seth assigns out 2 focus, keeps 4 back so that he can cast Synergy himself as well as putting Deflection up.  Not a bad call, but he does trade off some ability to run his force up the table to ensure more of the Invictors aren't going to die the next turn.  Another important note here is that he decides to go even more defensively and Vyros goes ahead and feats!

Round 2

So, he's feated, I definitely look at the table and do some analyzing to figure out if it makes sense to feat and really get into his rants, or if I should just hold back and be conservative.  I decide the latter will work because I don't think he's going to be able to kill enough of the Woldwatchers to do much, and then I just counter attack and hopefully cripple him enough that he can't get his Synergy chain high enough to matter.  So, I move up only gingerly, take 4 shots at the Invictors with the little guys, killing 2 of them (needed 7s to hit and 8s to kill).  So that puts 2 forests out there, Megalith throws out a Rift to make more rough terrain.  Fun note, the Woldwatcher's gun RFPs, which means that Vyros' feat doesn't trigger, so that's handy.  Bradigus throws Flesh of Clay on just to be safe.

Having not gotten a lot of movement out of his feat like he had hoped to, he feels like he has to try to engage me and/or put some hurt on things where he can.  As you can see from the picture below, he gets 3 griffons and I think 3 Invictors into the Woldwatchers.  The one on the right nearly dies, I think it had 3 boxes left in the Spirit is all.  The other gets a little less than 1/2 of his hit points taken down, but all systems go.

Round 3

First I look long and hard at the table situation.  I actually do think that I have an assassination on Vyros, I just don't know that I need to.  I'd have to teleport Megalith over to the right of the objective, use Battering Ram to move the Griffon out of the way, and then kill the objective.  Then I teleport the Guardian in front of it, feat to push him in front of Vyros, and that's game over because he isn't camping.  I actually think it was pretty feasible, just not worthwhile with my board position.  So my plan becomes trying to cripple his ability to use Synergy effectively against me.  So what I do is start by having the right-central Woldwatcher kill an Invictor, and then the one that only has Spirit left has 2 tries to get s 7 on 2-dice with boosts, we get there.  Then the rest start to work, some teleports, some Synergy chain later and I've killed 4 Griffons.

He feels like the game has basically come to a close at this point because he's not going to be able to accomplish much, so his goal he claimed was to try to kill *something*.  He throws most of his army that he can at me, managing to kill I believe 1 Woldwatcher and Megalith.  After that he extends his hand since I just build up Synergy and then the Guardian makes short work out of Vyros.


Not entirely sure on this one if needed to play any differently.  I do think that I might have been able to feat and put about at much hurt on his army, but I also think that he was going to have trouble, so just making sure I'm in the zone seemed wise.  What both of us agreed on though was that Bradigus' Synergy actually does do more than Vyros' because of ARM 21 and FURY being better than FOCUS.  I feel like this is a match that I'm pretty happy to play again and that its favorable for this list.

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