Sunday, September 25, 2016

Battle Report - 9/24/2016 - Games Plus SR2016

Managed to get to another tournament this month, this time a bit into the suburbs of Chicago.  Ended up being a very small event at only 7 players, and with FOUR people (including myself) playing Circle Orboros.  Here were my lists for a refresher:

Tanith the Feral Song [+31]
- Feral Warpwolf [18]
- Warpwolf Stalker [19]
- Scarsfell Griffon [8]
- Scarsfell Griffon [8]
- Scarsfell Griffon [8]
- Druid Wilder [4]
Una the Falconer [4]
- Scarsfell Griffon [8]
- Scarsfell Griffon [8]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]
Totem Hunter [6]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Fuel Cache (Steamroller) [0]

Wurmwood, Tree of Fate [+27]
- Cassius the Oathkeeper0]
- Feral Warpwolf [18]
- Megalith [20]
- Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Shifting Stones [3]
Shifting Stones [3]
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max) [16]
- Nuala the Huntress [4]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]
Hutchuck, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [6]
Fuel Cache (Steamroller) [0]

Round 1

I am paired up against Pat playing Protectorate, you may recall him from my last battle report blog where we played Severius2 vs Tanith.  This time he has Vindictus and Reznik2.  I feel like Wurmwood is going to be a strong drop here, he goes with Vindictus so this is going to be interesting for sure.  Bloodtrackers put Prey on the Idrians, they Prey a Sentry Stone.  Really biggest thing that's a pain is Vindictus' spell on the Idrians that causes my guys to take a point of damage for dealing them a point of damage.

I get to two points early in this game because its the Pit and I'm able to clear the zone and flag and feat.  The next turn I need to kill two Flamebringers and after MANY attacks I fail to do so, which is frustrating, but we go on.  A lot more attrition than was planned on happens, but I eventually clear my flag to score my last points with only seconds to spare.

Learnings in this game are definitely that I should have probably put Prey on the Flamebringers and used my Bloodtrackers on that side to keep them off my flag because the table and Mannikins would keep the Idrians and other infantry at bay long enough.

Round 2

I'm paired up against Justice who is also a Circle player who has brought Krueger2 and Bradigus and we're playing in Incursion.  I don't really expect Bradigus in this scenario and since its Circle I've decided to drop Tanith into the matchup.  I win the die roll, and I push my whole army up the table as far as I can basically, creating a bunker for Tanith, Una and Lanyssa to hide behind.

On his turn, he moves incredibly aggressively at me, he misunderstands how Lord of the Feast now works, so he only manages to kill a Mannikin.  Totem Hunter who Prey'd Lord goes ahead and kills Lord of the Feast and then Sprints.  After that Tanith feats, puts out 3 Primals on three different Scarsfells.  I am able to kill his Ghetorix, Feral and one of the Woldwyrds, as well as putting the other one down to 2 life with attack rolls on Krueger.  Spray some Reeves, position by the outside flags.

He feats to try to stay safe, puts a bit of damage on a couple of pieces, doesn't contest one of the flags.  On my turn, I put more damage on Krueger, clear out the outside flags again, and leave him with only Krueger and his Woldwyrd and maybe a solo or something.  He can't contest the outside flags though, so I win.

Round 3

In the final I get to play against Jordan who's not been playing as much in MK3 but is an absolutely respectable Warmachine (and miniature games in general) player.  He has Kromac1 and Wurmwood.  If he were to drop Wurmwood I definitely want Tanith and I feel like Tanith should be able to play into Kromac.  He brings Kromac I bring Tanith.  I win the die roll and opt to go first.

I try to move up the table pretty aggressively, but I don't really have much that I can do about any of it.  He has the advantage of out threatening me because of Warpath, so he's cagey enough to stay out of the threat of any of my Griffons.

I then make what I think we decided was an error by not playing forward aggressively enough because I can't really contest his zone.  I also can't kill off an opposing Rotterhorn which is unfortunate.  He's able to start from here attritioning me down while Kromac sits behind his objective.  I don't really get enough momentum and he's able to play his superior threat ranges to his advantage.  In the end I don't have enough to stay in the game, he's able to get it on scenario 5-2.


So I end up being in 2nd place, which is fine.  Jordan is a good player, and I definitely learned something here.  I think that I need to play some more games where I'm out threatened with that list to see how it should play when that happens, as well as trying to get better at being able to use my threat extensions that I do have (Hunter's Mark and Dog Pile).  Also, a big reminder of how good Kromac1 his combination of options is, he might need some more table time at some point so that I can see if he has a place in the line up.

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