Tuesday, July 31, 2012

League ends, and on to GenCon

I've missed several games in here for the league due to forgetfulness I guess, or maybe laziness.  I ended up losing 3 games in the league.  One because I went for FAR too aggressive of an assassination vs Absylonia and basically just threw Baldur out there to die when I would have just won on scenario had I looked for that win first.  So I learned something there.

Another game was Morvahna against Thyra.  Basically made a poor choice on Prey with the Bloodtrackers, and probably should have played Baldur given A) that it was Menoth and B) that the scenario was more winnable if Baldur went and feated turn 1.

The last game was Baldur1 vs Denegrah1.  The game wasn't that interesting, but I should have more aggressively moved up the table, and I should have feated turn 1.  I still got the win with a charge on a KD'd Denny.

So, the league is wrapped up.  I'm not going to place due to the 2 losses at the end, and the top guy only having lost one match.  Bummer.  Now we look forward to GenCon though...


Ok, so I've been playing a lot of Morvahna and Baldur1 obviously.  The problem I'm "seeing" is that there are colossals out there.  People are going to be definitely dropping Stormwalls at GenCon, and I'm expecting that I'll see Conquest at least here and there as well as Hyperion, Kraken, Mountain King, and possibly Galleon or Woldwrath if they're released at GenCon.  Baldur1 doesn't have a great game against a colossal depending on the scenario and a few other criteria.  Morvahna has even less of a game against Colossals for the most part.

With that in mind, I'm going to be testing out 2 more lists in the coming weeks I think.  One of them should DEFINITELY have a good game against Colossals, and the other will have game against them and also a great scenario game to compliment Baldur.  Here are the lists I'm going to go with...

Krueger the Stormlord
- Ghetorix
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Gorax
- Druid Wilder

Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Celestial Fulcrum
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Grove x2

This list originally had Feral WW, Swamp Gobbers and a Feralgeist instead of Ghetorix.  However, I think that since I won't have Ghetorix in another list that he's the stronger play here.  Really excited to try out this list, but definitely not sure how it'll go.  Reinforcements will have to be considered here as well too.  That said, here's the other list...

Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Ghetorix
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Woldwarden
- Gorax
- Druid Wilder
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max)
- Nuala the Huntress
Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
Shifting Stones
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Grove x2

The one ideal difference would be that I'd prefer to have Megalith over the Woldwarden, but I think the Warden will suffice for its purposes here.  There are several other options that cost ~9 points that are considerations here in that spot too ... Wolf Riders, Gnarlhorn, Druids, Fulcrum, Feral, Pureblood and so on.  The big thing here is that mathematically, Ghetorix + Primal + Curse of Shadows can kill a Stormwall w/out Arcane Shield on average dice.

These lists both share plenty in common, they have the ability to put out some heavy damage to heavy targets.  Bloodtrackers to clean up infantry, along with a few other things.  I'd say I'm looking at Wolf Riders, Feral + Grove, or 2x Woldstalkers as my reinforcements for most of these lists.  The only other things that would be nice is finding room to put in Bloodweavers so that I can guarantee to knock Arcane Shield off of Stormwall.  I suppose that a Thrullg might fit that niche if I need it to as well for a couple less points.

 We'll see how things go, fortunately we have a 50point SR2012 right before GenCon too!

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